the repatriation of onebluegreen


I saw Gran Torino today

On my federal holiday I slept late for the third day in a row. I enjoyed it although apparently my psyche does not. I've noticed when I try to sleep teenager late my dreams become stressful which snaps me awake. This past weekend I believe it was dreams involving men from my past who dumped me.

Strange how the dreams never involve the ones I've dumped. Those were stressful too! But these are not nearly as effective as the one from last weekend that involved some dog (a real dog not a metaphorical one) who was covered in fleas which meant my legs were covered in bites. I am allergic to flea bites, they swell and blister. The flea dream (my first, I think) was so much more stressful than a couple of bum steers. What surprised me is I thought I'd made peace but on some level that must not be true otherwise these things (the dumpers not the fleas) wouldn't still kicking around.

But then again, I still have the dream where I think I've dropped a class but I hadn't and it is the end of the semester and I have to take a final in a subject I know nothing about or get a zero or F. Certainly I made peace with that fear a degree or two ago.

Anyway, what I really wanted to say was Please snow. Please, please, please. It doesn't have to be tomorrow. Just sometime this winter. I swear I am not begging for a day off from work because I know that even a blizzard won't give me a day off because our director, who has worked in states twenty times colder than ours, made it clear our office will never close for weather.

But even without a snowball's chance of a day off I miss the snow.

11:59 p.m. - 2009-01-19


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