the repatriation of onebluegreen


TV on DVD & Guess What! We got married

I need the weekend. The whole weekend. I realize it anytime I don't work overtime on Saturday and since this is a long weekend for me (bless federal holidays) I really notice it. Sure, I haven't gotten as much accomplished as I thought I would but I have started watching episodes of Dead 1ike me. I've also worked on my closet/office. I am also going to sort and pay bills instead of getting in my car and driving to the video store to get another couple DLM DVDs.

The downside (or upside) of TV shows on DVD is being able to watch one episode after another. While I make it week when I am watching TV shows on TV without logging onto fan sites or rehashing the minute details at work on DVD I lose all self-control when those same shows are available on DVD. I am not sure what that says about my personality but I suspect it is I'm best at exercising control when I don't have to exercise a lot of it.

The dime size chunk that is missing from my upper right breast still looks nasty. It doesn't look like it is infected but it doesn't look like is healing either. Boston said she went the same dr (whom I will call anglophile derm b/c of Pr1ncess D1 and Pr1nce Char1es' framed family tree that was hanging in my examining room) when she was an older teenager. She said he prescribed an excess treatment plan for her acne which later turned out to be rosacea. She so disagreed she only saw him once. I also spoke with my former kn1tt1ng student who works for doctors who do cosmetic skin care and her response was "I know exactly who you are talking about. I've never met him but several of our patients used to go to him and they all describe him as crazy."

Yep. It is unfortunate I didn't take this poll before my office visit. I was just trying to do the right thing by going to a derm so my many freckles and moles could be looked at. And really in all fairness the spot was dark I just think he didn't have to dig so deep for my biopsy. The digging deep is what they do if it is skin cancer.

What else has work on Friday we had yet again another one of those conversations about how something is supposed to be done. I know every work place goes through the same thing but I have never worked some place where this type of thing was so cloudy and yet you could receive an error for it. The best way to describe it is if you were trained to left justify all letters and six months after being there someone says your trainer prefers it that way but the proper way is to indent the beginning of each paragraph five spaces and double space between paragraphs. Then a couple of months later there is a team meeting with another trainer who says that is absolutely not correct. Single space, no indent and double space between paragraphs. Then two weeks later the central office comes out with a memo that has a statement that say "you can" not you must or you should but you can. So then the argument is which way is right?

That is what happened once again last Friday. ARGH!

Anyway, I went in search of the the last trainer to ask her opinion. When I didn't find her I went looking for a mentor guy who I think is really on top of it for his opinion but I didn't find him either. Instead since I was on my old floor I went to Cubemate P's cube. He was moved over a cube which puts him in my old cube.

I miss Cubemate P a lot. He was a good co-worker and we'd gotten to be great friends. I have never spent that much time with any guy not even the ex. (I was going to say any person but I think Chicago and I spent that much time together when we were roommates in law school.)

In one way I understand why Cubemate P's Japanese g/f was worried at how much time we were spending together but I still say it is a bad idea to get serious with someone who would call "the other woman" seventeen times in one weekend and leave two minutes messages. And then turn around two days later and email "the other woman" to ask relationship advice like did I think Cubemate P was an honest and trustworthy man. And lets not forget she was calling from overseas.

But whereas I saw redflags Cubemate P completed his f1ance v1sa while telling me he was so sorry that I had to get dragged into their mess and that I deserved a much better friend. But on some level I even understand that. My Pr1est once said there was no stopping a wedding once it was rolling. She said the best she could do was to help give couples tools and a heads up on what kind of issue the personally might face.

So last Friday I am standing in my old cube talking to my used-to-be-best-co-worker-and-close-friend when I notice a New Year's couple's picture. As I touched the photo I said What did y'all do for New Year's when I noticed the caption said something like Guess what! We got married December 24. December 24 was three weeks ago.

You got married? He said it was the real wedding just a JOP. I asked when the real wedding was going to be. June. Of course.

It is possible our other former cubemate/close friend doesn't know either because Cubemate P is one of the most tight lipped people I have ever known but I was caught off guard. He isn't wearing a ring and it is even possible his family doesn't know but it was such a strange feeling.

Friday was also my Dad's birthday. Saturday I took him cupcakes with Happy Birthday candles. Well, I guess I should get back to sorting mail going to the video store for more episodes.

9:22 p.m. - 2009-01-18


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