the repatriation of onebluegreen


art quotes

I slept 12 hours last night. Unbelievable. I am making focaccia bread (bread mix given to me by Mom for xmas) and I trying to clean out a corner in my bedroom. I found this quote which I am going to write here so I can throw away the piece of paper. I think I will make this an art quote page so maybe I can find the quotes again one day.

PS I am not saying I agree with the quotes but they made me think.

In a functionally blind society, the role of art is widely misunderstood. Art, for the visually illiterate, has some vague connection with "beauty," the "finer things," "aesthetics" and none at all with its real role of coming to grips with various aspects of perceived reality." pg. 8 How to See by George Nelson

4:19 p.m. - 2005-01-22


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