the repatriation of onebluegreen


cell phone omen?

I can't believe how many times I checked in the last day or so to see if dland was back up. What is wrong with me?

Today I was on the computer when my phone rang. It was nc. I answered but he was talking to someone else. I thought it must be a neighbor so I continued doing what I was doing on the computer waiting for him to be free. It was general chit chat and I wasn't paying much attention then I heard the other person say "So, you are dating?"

He said, "Yeah." Kind of flatly. Monotone. She asked other questions and I realized it wasn't some neighbor he was chit chatting with it was a doctor so I hung up. Fifteen minutes later his phone called me again. I answered but immediately hung up.

I waited an hour or so for him to get home then I called to tell him I'd overheard part of his conversation with his doctor. Specifically stuff about me.

He said how embarrassing. We talked about what I'd heard. What he said wasn't negative but it sounded somewhat ambivalent. He said since his divorce he is less impulsive; more wait and see. He also said the doctor always asks about his personal relationships but he isn't really inclined to discuss them.

It all made sense and I feel better but it is still strange that his cell phone called me while he was talking about me.

7:34 p.m. - 2005-01-21


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