the repatriation of onebluegreen


turmeric paste and a coat for a wife

Last week I went to the dentist for a toothache I've had off-and-on for over a year. It was hurting on the top and bottom which can be an indication of a bite problem. It also could be caused by the crazes I have from gritting or grinding my teeth. However there no evidence of a cavity which is great news. My dentist is conservative so he gave me prescription fluoride tooth paste to try first and then he'll have a better full mouth examination during my cleaning. Of course, if it gets worse I go back. The toothpaste might be working because so far I haven't had much pain.

Same week I had a lump pop up on my edge of my left breast near my breast bone. It seems like a boil or something similar (hard, tender, red). It was/is scary but when I went to the doctor last week for pinkeye (yep.) he said he also thought it felt like a boil. If it doesn't go away I might have to have it drained. Ouch. Which sent me last night to the internet to see if I could find a home remedy that might work.

My two main choices were turmeric and fatback (or salted pork as they called it). The turmeric paste reduced the size by half which is exciting (well, in addition to the paste I tried drinking a teaspoon of turmeric in warm water -- I only drank about half of it and I don't think I could do that again. The funny thing was my stomach immediately started making noises. Not in a I-am-going-to-have-to-run-to-the-ladies-room kind of way but more of a shocked rumbling sound what is this she drank?.

Ming had his cast taken off. He has a wrapped bandage around the area to help stabilize. He put weight on the cast but he doesn't seem to be using his foot at all. He is doing well. He is even eating plain yogurt which the vet suggested to help introduce good bacteria into Ming's system. I thought Darwin and Lucy might like it too since they used to drink Mom's Ensures and yogurt smoothies but they won't touch it. It must be too sour for them.

B1ondie Bear (my new cubemate -- so named b/c of her hair and her entire shelf of navy bears -- she is retired navy) worked OT on Saturday. She said Super K came by and asked where I was, said he hadn't seen me in forever. It is true. It has been a long time since we've run into each other and he hasn't been by my cube in weeks. I miss interacting with him but it generated rumors and since nothing ever developed who wants to be rumored as doing something that one isn't getting to do?

At Christmas time my boss, who is back in the office right behind my cube, was leaning on my and Blondie Bear's cube chatting about shopping and good deals when he said "Super K said he got a great deal on a coat for his wife. It was on sale and he had a coupon." Yes, I knew he had a wife. The mother of his children but also an ex. It was unclear if they were divorced or just separated but they were at least very separated as in two or three years.

Blondie Bear, who almost fell off her chair when she heard this tidbit, and I wondered are they back together or did the Big Lipped Twig (the co-worker I believe he started dating when he quit calling me) get a new coat and my boss, Puka Shells misunderstood who the coat was for. (Puka Shells so named because Thanksgiving before last he was wearing them when I ran into him at a club that we were both a little old to be in. I was on a date with the guy known at the coffee shop as the Pooper (a clue as to why we didn't date) and he was out with his wife and sister) The conversation was particularly surprising b/c Super K is beyond private and he and Puka Shells went to high school together and it did not sound like they were friends. A third possibility is Super K was testing Puka Shells b/c of something I'd told him last fall about Puka Shells texting all the time and how we originally thought it was sweet he and his wife were in contact that much when it finally occurred to us that long-married couples with kids don't text each other every day, all day.

I regretted saying it to Super K as soon as I said it b/c I hope Puka Shells' marriage is fine and if it isn't I don't want to know. I would say it also isn't any of mine or anyone else's business but he texts that it would be odd for us to pretend we hadn't noticed which brings me back to I hope everything is fine and if it isn't I don't want to know. Super K might not have been testing Puka Shells, he may have simply been excited about a good deal (which is possible b/c while he spends money he is aware of money) but it also would be like him to test someone.

What was most interesting of all was the idea of how information, unintentional information, get relayed. And THAT appeals to me for writing and/or film. Well, time to slap on some turmeric and head to bed.

11:03 p.m. - 2009-01-11


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