the repatriation of onebluegreen


Faceflop and Modeling

Yesterday I taught at the Lake. Eventhough I work it and today (I teach tonight) are my days off. I called Sky Knit who lives on the Lake to see if she wanted together after my class. She and her husband were going to go boatriding and offered to pick me up at the bridge. In spite of having 1001 things to do at the house on my day off I said yes.

I drove over the bridge and past the Lake once a week but I haven't been swimming or boatriding all summer. Her husband's mother and brother were down which was a surprise. I didn't know if we were going to swim but I was glad I'd shaved. We rode and looked at the huge homes that have popped up. I stuck my arm out of the side of the boat and felt the water slap over my hands.

Sky Knit and I trying to catch up (I haven't seen her since my party in June) shouted over the sound. We had a picnic dinner at the state park. Then as we were leaving her husband asked if I wanted to wakeboard.

By now it was getting dark and kind of cool but I said sure. First he boarded and I watched. When it was my turn he gave me a shortie wetsuit to put on because I was kind of cold. I got all suited up. He explained to me what to do and I hopped off the back of the boat.

I was able to get up my first time although I did fall after a few seconds of being up. I got up the second time. They were cheering me from the boat. I had a pretty long run. Sky Knit tried to indicate to me I needed to put the ski rope at my left hip. I tried but it felt weird.

When you wakeboard the board should be pointing like a surf board. I have only water-skied with two skis. Eventhough I knew the board was supposed to be pointing that way I couldn't tell it wasn't. I was leaning onto my right leg so I thought I was turned. So I was wakeboarding along with the edge of the board. Her husband tried to speed up to force me into position. It wasn't too fast but when I started to shift water caught the front of my board.


I did a big OLE faceflop.

I am okay. My neck is sore today and it flipped one of my contacts although I didn't lose one. I had forgotten to bring my glasses so I drove home last night without them. Thank goodness for the reflective painted lines.

It was good to see them. I am glad I took a break even if I had to stay up till 2 trying to knit and I didn't get everything I needed to done. It was a great trade off.

This morning I got an email from a girlfriend who is also a photographer. She is putting out a call for models. I emailed her back and told her I was interested in modeling. It is nude modeling but she doesn't shoot heads so it is somewhat anonymous. I have drawn dozens of life models and have looked at so much work of naked people -- mainly naked women.

As a painter I am curious what it is like to be on the other side of the brush or in this case the lens. I modeled once in college with my clothes on but I wasn't taking art at the time (I was a political science major heading to law school) so I think the experience would be very different this time.

As for the second thing -- nude works of others -- over time I have found myself sort of rolling my eyes at a lot of work. Not because it is bad but because so much of it is not really about art in the sense of trying to understand something or explore an idea. An awful lot of it is a man drooling with paint. There is nothing wrong with someone drooling with paint but it doesn't make it overly interesting to me anymore than someone drooling over their dog or a vase of flowers. What makes art interesting to me is when someone digs a little deeper beyond their fascination.

There are painters of nudes who do this and immediately whether I like their art or not I can feel it. I wish I could articulate it better.

Anyway, I am very curious about the process (um, and a little nervous because lots of people I know attend the Christmas show where the work will be seen). The photographer is trying to get together a group of women so we will see if we are all available on the same day.

Today Dad is meeting me at the studio for take 2 on trying to brace some paintings. Then I teach. And knit.

10:19 a.m. - 2003-09-17


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