the repatriation of onebluegreen


Grim Weeder rubs her arm while she admires the Harvest Moon

Today working with the Uptight Boss (UB) went well. We stayed busy the whole time but she was more like her old self. It was a relief.

Tonight I had the second of four Thursday night classes. I had a couple of new students join. I was hired by one woman to sew together a sweater her mother knitted 15 or so years ago. When I was emptying the grocery store bag she had given me the sweater pieces in I found a photos of an older couple and a young sailor. When I gave her the sweater tonight I asked her if she knew the photo was in there. She caught her breath and said No. She explained she had a larger copy of the photo but that was her Mom (the woman who knitted the sweater), her Dad and her son. Her Mom died last year and her Dad died six years ago. She was thrilled to pull on the sweater her Mom had knitted. It was a good feeling.

I am sore from yesterday's weed whacking activities. My Dad pointed out to me I was using the weedeater incorrectly. He said You don't swing it like a golf club. No wonder I found weedeating to be exhausting and a loathsome activity. Jonzo is nicknamed me the Grim Weeder which I like a good deal. During class I was rubbing my arm. My students wanted to know if I'd injured myself. I explained my weedeating technique to them. They laughed. One said I wish I could barter lessons with you. Before I nursed I did landscaping. I will teach you to weedeat in exchange for knitting lessons. She said there really is a proper way to do it. She won't even let her husband use the weedeater. I might take her up on the offer.

I feel brain dead and tired. I have forgotten how tiring it is to work all day then teach several times a week at night. I will get used to it. I think by the end of this month I should be caught up so I can start saving money. Yeah! (maybe I shouldn't say that -- I will jinx myself)

As for today's date. I don't know really what to say other than I remember the morning clearly but then I am sure we all do. One funny note about the day -- I was working with Doog at the Ballet. Mom called to tell me the Twin Towers had been struck. Doog and I turned on the radio then went next door to the environmental group to watch their TV. After watching and watching and watching we had to make a deposit at the bank so we walked downtown. Doog had decided that morning to quit smoking. On the way downtown she asked Hell with quitting. I need a cigarette bad. so we went to the smoke shop. She, of course, hasn't quit again. I guess that isn't all that funny but that day it seemed a little funny to us.

8:51 p.m. - 2003-09-11


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