the repatriation of onebluegreen


Points and Duties

Today we were slow at work although our sales were big ones so on paper the day looked good. I organized my bills. Paid a few. Wished for more money sooner to pay the others. I took all the slips of papers with the names and addresses of those interested in classes and transfered their names to postcards. I marked the store and my personal calendar with the dates fore each class. I called those without names. I know next time this will be easier -- I will make up the postcard announcing the next set of classes weeks in advance and will fill out their names as they are put on my spindle.

I believe this. That one day at least this particular area of my life won't be a mad dash.

On the way home I grocery shopped at the least gourmet store because it is on my way home. I did not have to veer. I traded ease of location for some food items. I had a list ready for food I wanted for tomorrow when I am an officer of the election.

Tomorrow for the primary only 100 voters or less are expected. I have to be at the polls at 5:30 a.m. and will not leave until 8 p.m.ish. Even on a fairly busy election day there is nothing to do but eat and drink. I am back down to the ten pounds I lost I don't want to gain any back this week. I want to continue to lose. But there is no microwave at the poll and for breakfast someone's husband gets us biscuits. So tonight I am adding points and re-adding trying to find some combo for tomorrow that will provide enough snacks, three meals and drinks without tipping my points. Maybe instead of reading tomorrow I will spend my spare time doing push ups so I will at least get some exercise points (that is a joke. I don't think I can do a push up and besides the ladies I work with would probably feel uncomfortable if I started doing them.)

Tonight I got a call from the Sheriff's office telling me I was supposed to report for jury duty tomorrow but it has been canceled. I had not had a chance yet to call the phone number. How odd to be called on the day of my election duty. And how odd it all worked out.

Well, it is against my nature to go to bed this early but I need to pack my meals and enterntainment and go to bed so I can wake up at 4:15 a.m.

10:18 p.m. - 2003-06-09


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